Friday, October 17, 2008

it's official.

I might be addicted to shopping.

Yep. I said it. Addicted. Only there's a slight problem...

I can't bring myself to spend money.

Seriously, what is this?? I have this desire--this burning need-- to buy something, anything (well, mostly clothes). I usually do very well with spending money, only a little here and there but this past week and part of last week I probably have spent well over $200 on items. And I couldn't even tell you what they are!!! I feel like I have one or two new things. At least no item is too expensive. Probably the most I've spent on one item was like $16. Not bad. But still, this erratic behavior is so unlike me. I need to get my "I'm-so-poor" state of mind back. Pronto.

Royce, you never should've introduced me to the debit card. This is all your fault.

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